Desert Star
Desert Stars are Shydes that have becomes so powerful and holy that they shine forth the light of Eloh, even in the darkest places. They are living testaments to the power and glory of Eloh. Like Shydes, they are capable of gliding unencumbered across almost any terrain. Eloh’s power also reduces the wounds that Desert Stars suffer when attacked.
Aire sònraichte: Tha ionnsaighean draoidheach aig an aonad seo aig a bheil an-còmhnaidh deagh sheans bualaidh air an nàmhaid. Tha an t-aonad seo comasach air maille a thoirt air a nàimhdean gus nach bhith ach leth-phàirt den astar is dochann ionnsaighe aca gu deireadh na cuairte. This unit is capable of healing those around it, slowing dehydration, and curing them of poison. Cuiridh soillseachadh solas a bharrachd air na raointean mun cuairt. This unit can fly across any terrain except deep water. It also gains a 10% bonus to resistance from all attacks.
Àrdaichidh e bho: | Desert Shyde |
Àrdaichidh e gu: | |
Cosgais: | 94 |
PB: | 46 |
Gluasad: | 6 |
PE: | 200 |
Level: | 4 |
Co-thaobhadh: | dligheach |
ID | Desert Star |
Comasan: | leigheas, slànachadh +8, soillseachadh |
Ionnsaighean (damage - count)
faerie touch dlùth | 5 - 2 bualadh | draoidheach | |
ensnare astar | 7 - 2 bualadh | maille | |
thorns astar | 7 - 3 bioradh | draoidheach |
lann | 10% | bioradh | 10% | |||
bualadh | 10% | teine | 10% | |||
fuachd | 10% | dìomhair | 30% |
Cosgais ghluasaid | |||
Cruth-tìre | Dìon | ||
Badan balgain-bhuachair | 2 | 50% | |
Baile | 1 | 60% | |
Beanntan | 2 | 60% | |
Boglach | 1 | 40% | |
Caisteal | 1 | 60% | |
Cnuic | 1 | 50% | |
Coille | 2 | 50% | |
Do-choiseach | 2 | 30% | |
Gaineamh | 1 | 60% | |
Reòite | 2 | 40% | |
Riof cladaich | 1 | 50% | |
Rèidh | 1 | 50% | |
Tanalach | 1 | 40% | |
Uamh | 1 | 30% | |
Uisge domhain | 100 | 30% |